The work of the Global Gaming Services d.o.o. is grounded in our founders’ commitment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, including but not limited to treating all people with civility and humanity.
These beliefs inform our core organizational values of equity, impact, optimism, humility, collaboration, integrity, and professionalism.
Inspired by these values, we are committed to creating a safe and respectful environment for all individuals, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, ability, religion, national origin, physical appearance, sexual orientation, or gender identity/expression.
Every User, Selling User, gamer, guest, and staff member is welcome without discrimination, provided they remain compliant with this „Code of Honor“.
We sincerely appreciate, respect, and love video games.
This is why we reject toxicity, hacking, wintrading, griefing, harassment and DDoS attacks.
We are aware of a growing gap within gamers. We aim to close this gap. Some gamers may have different needs and do not deserve to be forced to quit, especially because they are gamers just like the others despite being in a different phase of their life.
Two core goals we have always strived for are:
- Offering a reliable place where players can grow their skill and satisfy their needs without the fear of being scammed, mistreated, misinformed, or worse.
- Creating a reliable source of income for professional and responsible players, offering a clean and genuine chance of career growth in the gaming community for hundreds of gamers.
We treat customers the same way we expect to be treated when shopping as consumers in our daily lives. We consider Consumer Rights and Customer Experience as an absolute priority.
We are aware that no community or company, including our own, is not subjectible to bias and misconduct, so we crafted our Code of Honor (“Code”) as part of our effort to create environments that honor the dignity and promote the safety of all people.