
How to Unlock Earthen in World of Warcraft?

By Kristina
How to Unlock Earthen in World of Warcraft?

The Earthen are the latest addition to World of Warcraft's roster of playable Allied Races, introduced in The War Within expansion. Unlike previous Allied Races, the Earthen stand out as the first neutral Allied Race.

Hailing from Khaz Algar, these titan-forged beings are immune to the Curse of Flesh, which explains their preserved rocky, gem-infused forms. Their unique appearance, powerful racial traits, and exclusive customization options have made them a highly anticipated addition to the game.

Unlike the lengthy and complex unlock processes seen with earlier Allied Races from Legion and Battle for Azeroth, unlocking the Earthen is more streamlined. However, it still requires the completion of a dedicated campaign and several side quests. This guide will walk you through the process, from campaign completion to unlocking racial abilities, so you can add this exciting new race to your World of Warcraft experience.

Who Are the Earthen in The War Within?

earthen tww
earthen tww

The Earthen are titan-forged beings created by the Titanic Keepers to shape and sculpt the underground regions of Azeroth during its early formation. These subterranean beings are naturally curious explorers, driven to venture beyond their underground homes and into the broader world of Azeroth.

Now, they have emerged to join either the Horde or the Alliance. Their unaltered titan-forged nature influences both their cultural identity and the unique racial traits they bring to the battlefield. With the distinctive ability to side with either faction, the Earthen bring a new dynamic to faction-based gameplay. Their strong connection to their titan-forged roots, combined with their striking appearance, makes them one of the most visually and thematically compelling Allied Races to date.

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How to Unlock the Earthen Allied Race in TWW?

unlock earthen wow
unlock earthen wow

Unlocking the Earthen as a playable Allied Race requires players to complete specific campaign objectives and side quests found throughout The War Within. While the process is less time-consuming than unlocking older Allied Races, it still involves a comprehensive set of storylines and renown-based progression. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to unlock earthen in WoW.

1. Complete the War Within Campaign

To unlock the Earthen, the first step is to complete The War Within campaign, which serves as the main storyline of the expansion. This campaign consists of four major chapters and takes players through key locations such as Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet. Each area introduces new characters, lore, and challenges until the questline concludes with the final quest titled Return to Dornogal

Completing the campaign unlocks access to crucial follow-up storylines tied to the Earthen, as well as the Renown system for key factions like the Council of Dornogal and Assembly of the Deeps.

To speed up progress, focus on completing the main quest markers, unlocking fast travel points, and upgrading your gear to handle tougher encounters in later chapters. Once you complete the War Within campaign, you'll be ready to move on to the next step to unlock the Earthen in WoW.

2. Complete Key Storyline Quests

In addition to the main campaign, players must complete the following specific questlines, each tied to an important character or event in The War Within expansion.

Mourning Rise

  • Starting Quest: Before I Depart — Start this quest by speaking to Korgran in the Isle of Dorn at coordinates [57.4, 43.0].
  • Objective: Follow Korgran's storyline and complete quests that center on themes of legacy and duty.
  • Final Quest: The Weight of Duty — Completing this quest marks the conclusion of the Mourning Rise storyline.

Broken Tools

  • Starting Quest: Discarded and Broken — Obtain this quest from Machinist Kittrin in the Ringing Deeps at coordinates [48.2, 33.4].
  • Objective: This storyline revolves around repairing and repurposing old tools and machines in the subterranean realm.
  • Final Quest: Reforged Purpose — Once you complete this quest, the Broken Tools storyline is finished.

Merrix and Steelvein

  • Starting Quest: How Scandalous! — This quest begins with Aldra in Dornogal at coordinates [62.6, 21.8].
  • Objective: The story centers on a political scandal that players must resolve, shedding light on the inner workings of Earthen society.
  • Final Quest: Bad Business — Once completed, this marks the end of the Merrix and Steelvein storyline.

3. Earn Renown with Factions

To fully unlock the Earthen, players must achieve Renown Level 4 with the following factions associated with The War Within campaign: Council of Dornogal, The Assembly of the Deeps, Hallowfall Arathi and The Severed Threads.

Increasing renown requires players to complete world quests, dailies, and weekly objectives related to each faction. Reaching Renown Level 4 unlocks access to more significant story quests, which are necessary to complete the required objectives.

4. Complete the Cultural Insight Questline

After finishing the main campaign and key side quests, players must undertake a deeper journey into Earthen lore, traditions, and values through the Cultural Insight questline. This series of quests provides essential story context and is a crucial step toward unlocking the Earthen as a playable race.

The questline begins at Fallside Outpost, where players can pick up the starting quest, "Before I Depart." From here, two additional questlines must be completed:

  • Discarded and Broken — Found in The Ringing Deeps, this storyline offers insight into the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the Earthen.
  • How Scandalous! — Located in Dornogal, this questline reveals more about the social dynamics and cultural nuances of the Earthen society.

These quests will deepen your understanding of the Earthen and also bring you one step closer to unlocking them as a playable Allied Race.

5. Unlock the Earthen Allied Race

Once all storylines, renown levels, and insight quests are complete, you will earn the Allied Races: Earthen achievement. This achievement signifies that you have met all the requirements to unlock the Earthen as a playable Allied Race. To officially unlock them, visit the Embassy in either Stormwind (for the Alliance) or Orgrimmar (for the Horde).

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Earthen Racial Abilities

The Earthen bring a unique set of racial abilities that reflect their titan-forged origins. Their abilities are not just for combat but also provide utility in crafting, survival, and exploration.

  • Azerite Surge: Releases a cone of Azerite energy, dealing fire damage. This ability can be further empowered for increased effects.
  • Hyper Productive: Increases Finesse by 2%, which raises the chance of gathering additional resources.
  • Ingest Minerals: Grants a passive "Well Fed" bonus at all times, but you can also consume gems for additional buffs.
  • Amber: Increases Stamina
  • Emerald: Increases Haste
  • Onyx: Increases Mastery
  • Ruby: Increases Critical Strike
  • Sapphire: Increases Versatility
  • Titan-Wrought Frame: Increases base armor by 10% from equipped items.
  • Wide-Eyed Wonder: Grants 200% extra experience when exploring new areas.

Available Classes for Earthen

Unlike most Allied Races, the Earthen have access to a broad selection of classes, offering players plenty of flexibility when creating their character. However, they are notably restricted from certain iconic classes like Druids and Evokers.

Here are the classes available to Earthen characters in The War Within:

  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Monk
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Shaman
  • Warlock
  • Warrior

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Final Thoughts

Unlocking the Earthen Allied Race is a rewarding endeavor for players eager to experience WoW from the perspective of a titan-forged being. With their neutral alignment, powerful racial abilities, and stunning visual customization options, the Earthen have quickly become one of the most anticipated additions to World of Warcraft: The War Within. 

By completing the main campaign, side quests, renown progression, and cultural insight questlines, players will earn the Allied Races: Earthen achievement, enabling them to create their own Earthen character. Whether you side with the Horde or the Alliance, the Earthen offers an exciting blend of combat prowess, resourcefulness, and sheer visual appeal.

If you’re looking to get into World of Warcraft or just level up your skills, we’ve got plenty of other resources to help you learn the basics and discover some excellent money-making strategies. What would you like to do next?

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