
The Ultimate WoW Dragonflight Gold Farming Guide

By Neo
The Ultimate WoW Dragonflight Gold Farming Guide

Getting gold in World of Warcraft takes time and effort. You need gold to buy cool armor, weapons, mounts, and other items in the game. But how do you actually get more gold? Where should you go and what should you do to get the most gold for your time?

This article will teach you the best ways to farm gold in WoW. Farming means doing certain activities over and over to collect items and gold to sell. It can take a while, but it's the best way to build up your gold reserves. 

Why do you need to Farm Gold in WoW?

Farming gold is really important in World of Warcraft - it allows players to enhance their characters by purchasing better gear, enchantments, elixirs, materials, repairs, and potions. These consumable items make characters more powerful during battles and raids.

It takes a lot of time and work to get gold in the game. Gold does not just appear by itself. You have to play smart and farm for it. Farming means going to certain places in the game beating monsters and completing quests to get items to sell for gold. It also means gathering herbs, ores, and skins to sell at the auction house.

The more you farm, the more gold you will have. With enough gold, you can get better gear and cooler mounts much faster. You can also learn to craft armor and weapons that players will buy from you for even more gold. So get ready to farm if you want the nice things in World of Warcraft! It takes effort but it is worth it. More gold equals more fun stuff for your character.

Best Ways to Farm Gold in WoW Dragonflight

The gold farming approaches include raw gold farming, gathering professions, transmogrification farming, Dragonflight world quests and weeklies. Next up you'll understand the different approaches thoroughly. 

Raw Gold Farming

Raw gold farming involves repeatedly killing enemies and bosses that drop lucrative amounts of gold directly rather than items to auction. This makes raw gold farms consistent, reliable methods to build wealth. Dragonflight introduces several lucrative new raw gold options.

Overall, with many new monsters and minibosses dropping pure gold in Dragonflight, raw gold farming should form a significant portion of gold-making strategies moving forward.

Gathering Professions

Gathering professions like herbalism, mining, and skinning offer a good amount of gold from selling the raw materials you farm:

Herbalism Profession

Herbalism offers steady gold income for players willing to master routes and the market. Beyond raw herbs, high-level herbalists have a chance to proc rare materials like dragon scales or item enhancing oils when gathering herbs. Several of the new Dragonflight herb variations also yield awakened reagents used for sought-after crafting recipes. With proper planning, herbalists can capitalize on this by targeting farms for the most profitable herbs and side gathers.

The key is mapping efficient farming circuits that utilize rested XP bonuses, hit plentiful resource spawns, and get the most out of buffs like Avalanche Elixirs. That ample harvest then gets processed, bundled, and listed smartly on the Auction House when underlying consumable item prices peak with raid resets or PvP seasons. Herbs maintain reliable value as ingredients for stat boosting pots, oils, flasks, feast foods, glyphs, and more. Gold per hour ultimately comes down to plotting routes hitting the best spawns and timing sales for maximum profit. Master that cycle as a Herbalist and steady income awaits.

Herbalism Best Routes

1. The Walking Shores

Herbalism The Walking Shores Route
Herbalism The Walking Shores Route

2. Ohn'arhan Plains

Herbalism  Ohn'arhan Plains Route
Herbalism  Ohn'arhan Plains Route

3. Azure Span 

Herbalism  Azure Span  Route
Herbalism Azure Span  Route

Mining Profession

Mining is one of the top WoW gathering professions for producing consistent gold income. As the source for raw ore and precious stones, Miners provide the fundamental materials that Alchemists, Blacksmiths, Engineers, and Jewelcrafters need to ply their trades. Demand for these crafted goods remains high as players constantly gear up characters for raids, dungeons, PvP, and the open world.

With its wide relevance across the production network, the raw materials Miners unearth perpetually sell in the Auction House. You'll constantly earn from churning out quantities of ore, rare minerals, crystals, and elemental essences. Selling directly to other crafters can also cut out listing fees. Either way, Mining remains a lucrative gathering profession in WoW.

Mining Best Routes

1. Ohn'ahran Plains

Mining Ohn'arhan Plains Route
Mining Ohn'arhan Plains Route

2. The Waking Shores

Mining The Waking Shores Route
Mining The Waking Shores Route

3. Azure Span

Mining Azure Span Route
Mining Azure Span Route

Skinning Profession

Skinning continues to be a lucrative path to amassing WoW gold in the Dragon Isles era. As with leather and scales in the past, Skinners provide the raw materials of Rockfang Leather, Dragon Fel Leather, and Flawless Proto Dragon Scales that Leatherworkers need to produce armor kits, relic items, saddle blankets, and upgraded bracers. Dragonriding also now gives uses to skinned goods, with scales fueling saddle and bridle customizations for new Proto-Dragon mounts.

Focusing squarely on gathering the scales and rugged leathers that outfit adventures in their journey across primordial lands, Skinners constantly move their wares directly to crafters, on the Auction House, or to general vendors. The role remains absolutely vital to keeping a stream of upgraded bracers, relics, lures, and more flowing through the isles.

Skinning Best Routes 

1. Ohn'ahran Plains

Skinning Ohn'ahran Plains Route
Skinning Ohn'ahran Plains Route

2. The Waking Shores

Skinning The Waking Shores Route
Skinning The Waking Shores Route

3. Azure Span

Skinning Azure Span Route
Skinning Azure Span Route

Crafting Professions

Crafting professions like Alchemy, Enchanting, Blacksmithing, and more also offer you reliable gold from selling the materials:

Alchemy Profession

Alchemy is a powerful profession for making gold in World of Warcraft thanks to the high demand for the stat-boosting potions, oils, elixirs, and flasks that Alchemists can craft. Choosing the right Alchemy specializations makes a huge difference by granting opportunities to proc extras of profitable items like potions and flasks. It also allows access to niche recipes that sell well on the auction house (AH). The key is specializing to match what sells best on your individual server.

It's optimal to buy necessary herbs, catalysts, vials, and other materials cheaply, either by farming them or checking the AH for deals. Once materials are stockpiled, identify the highest profit Alchemy items and regularly craft batches of them. Potions that align with current raid tier needs and consumables used in high-end PvP see the most demand. Using trade chat to advertise direct sale bundles and crafting services can secure more consistent sales and bigger margins. With the right specializations, understanding of the market, and shrewd material acquisition, Alchemy can generate substantial steady gold income.

Also Read: WoW Dragonflight: Ultimate Guide to Alchemy

Enchanting Profession

Enchanting stands out in Dragonflight as one profession that does not rely on the new reagent quality system. This makes it more accessible for casual players just looking to make gold, rather than power players min-maxing gear. Enchanters have a wide variety of speed enhancements, tool boosts, and cosmetic illusions to craft for all play styles. With demand coming from raiders, PvP enthusiasts, and the general public alike, the market for enchants remains robust.

The key to profits is converting disenchanted gear early on into the rare and expensive enchanting reagents during the first weeks when materials hold peak value. Waiting to disenchant quality items that will inevitably get replaced and selling the reagents quickly is vital. Savvy enchanters will also bundle lucrative high-end enchants, popular transmogs, and trade skill boosts into attractive packages for direct sales at a mark-up. Enchanting has built-in demand - the profit comes from controlling supply sources and smart selling tactics.

Also Read: WoW Dragonflight: Ultimate Guide to Enchanting

Blacksmithing Profession
Blacksmithing Profession

Blacksmithing Profession

Blacksmithing offers several profitable niches in Dragonflight, especially for those who specialize correctly early on. The key choices are armor, weapons, or specialty trade goods like sharpening stones. With gear being bind on pickup, players relying on work orders creates demand. And the need to upgrade profession tools drives sales of mining picks, herbalism gloves, skinning knives, and more.

Savvy blacksmiths can carve out markets supplying goods tied to raid progressions and competitive play too. Armor kits, weapon chains, buckles, and accessories craftable only by blacksmiths maintain value as combat enhancing upgrades. The trick is targeting the ideal recipes to craft around patch cycles and seasonal gear level jumps. When player power needs reset, dedicated blacksmithing alchemists can transmute stockpiled ores and metals into income selling the output. 

Also Read: WoW Dragonflight: Ultimate Guide to Blacksmithing

Jewelcrafting Profession

Jewelcrafting offers several lucrative specializations in Dragonflight including prospecting ore, crafting gems, and cutting meta gems. With gear being bind on pickup, work orders for sockets pieces drives demand. Jewelcrafters also produce reagents like vials and stones essential for other professions, selling at a premium for high item level crafting.

Beyond gear, jewelcrafters can profit from accessories, tools, pets and toys. Necklaces, rings, and trinkets with combat bonuses sell quickly at the start of new raids and PvP seasons. The market for profession outfits, engraving tools, and gem scopes persists as well. And collectors always clamor for the next cute whelpling or dazzling toy produced. Overall jewelcrafting profits rely on specializing correctly, supplying reagents others need, and diversifying into gear, upgrades, battle pets, and accessories. Catering broadly keeps income flowing.

Transmogrification Farming

Old Hillsbrad Foothills is an excellent transmog farming spot for those with patience. This Burning Crusade dungeon contains rare armor appearances that are highly sought after and can sell for high prices on the auction house. The dungeon is easily cleared at max level now and can be reset quickly after exiting. Notable transmog pieces to target here are the numerous Scarlet Crusade item sets, especially the tabard which regularly fetches thousands of gold. With a stealth class like Rogue or Druid, you can slip through Old Hillsbrad quickly and snag all the valuable transmog loot. Running this dungeon repeatedly will stock up your inventory with items that will eventually turn into profits.

World Quests

Reaching Revered reputation with the Dragonscale Expedition faction unlocks Rare Rock Climbing and Rare Relic Cataloging World Quests - these World Quests become available account-wide once unlocked. Additionally, hitting Revered with the Valdrakken Accord unlocks Dragonriding World Quests. Sadly, the amount of gold you get from World Quests is not that much.

World Quest
World Quest

What you should spend Gold on?

One of the best uses of gold in Dragonflight is investing in gear upgrades. Checking the Auction House regularly and buying any weapons or armor that are an improvement for your class and specialization is essential for increasing your character's power. As you progress to harder content, good gear is required to deal more damage, survive boss mechanics, and meet DPS/healing checks. 

Setting aside a healthy amount of gold for gear purchases, both smaller incremental upgrades and larger power spikes, is advised. However, don't neglect other important gold expenditures like crafting materials, consumables, repairs, and transportation costs. Finding a good balance between spending gold on impactful new equipment as well as the consumables, profession materials, and quality-of-life upgrades needed to support your overall gameplay goals is the smart way to allocate your WoW gold income. Invest gold in the places that will provide you with long-term value.

Final Words

And there you have it - those were the best ways to farm gold in WoW. Remember that gold takes time to farm, so you need dedication and patience. If you are looking to level up your character in World of Warcraft, make sure to check out our 1-70 WoW Leveling Guide. Enjoy farming!

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