What sets Valorant apart from other first-person shooter games is the unique appearance and abilities of its agents. As Riot Games continues to release more agents over time, it can be challenging to keep up with each agent's abilities. If you ever need to know more about the abilities of each agent, refer to this guide.
Brimstone Abilities

Incendiary (C): Launches an incendiary grenade that deploys a damaging field of fire.
Sky Smoke (Q): Uses his map to call in orbital smoke drops at the specified locations, creating large areas of vision obstruction.
Stim Beacon (E): Throws down a stim beacon, giving players who stand in its area of effect a combat stim that increases fire rate.
Orbital Strike (X) - Ultimate: Uses his map to target a location, calling in a devastating orbital strike that deals high damage over a large area.
Phoenix Abilities

Curveball (Q): Throws a flare orb that curves left or right, bursting into a blinding flash after a brief delay.
Hot Hands (E): Throws a fireball that explodes after a short delay or on impact. Creates a fire zone damaging enemies and healing the user when standing in it.
Blaze (C): Creates a wall of fire blocking vision and damaging enemies who pass through. Heals the user when standing in the flames.
Run it Back (X) - Ultimate: Places a marker at the current location. If killed or the duration expires while active, it respawns at the marker with full health.
Sage Abilities

Slow Orb (Q): Creates an orb that breaks upon impact, generating a lingering field that slows players moving through it.
Healing Orb (E): Heals an ally or self over a few seconds. Cannot heal an ally above 100 health.
Barrier Orb (C): Conjures a large, solid wall. Can be rotated before placement.
Resurrection (X) - Ultimate: Targets a dead ally and, after a short channel, revives them with full health.
Sova Abilities

Shock Bolt (Q): Fires an explosive bolt that emits a damaging pulse of static energy upon impact.
Recon Bolt (E): Fires a bolt that deploys a sonar emitter, revealing nearby enemies caught in the line of sight of the emitter.
Owl Drone (C): Deploys a pilotable drone to scout for information. Can fire a marking dart to reveal the location of hit enemies.
Hunter's Fury (X) - Ultimate: Fires up to three deadly energy blasts that spear across the entire map. Each hit enemy takes heavy damage and is marked.
Viper Abilities

Poison Cloud (Q): Fires a projectile that deploys a gas emitter. Activate to create a poisonous cloud that obscures vision and damages enemies.
Toxic Screen (E): Launches a long line of gas emitters. Activate to create a wall of toxic gas that blocks vision and damages enemies passing through.
Snake Bite (C): Fires a canister that shatters upon hitting the floor, creating a pool of corrosive acid that damages enemies and applies vulnerable.
Viper's Pit (X) - Ultimate: Emits a massive toxic cloud that covers a large area, obscuring vision. Enemies inside are highlighted to Viper and suffer decay damage.
Cypher Abilities

Cyber Cage (Q): Throws a deployable cage that blocks vision when activated. Enemies passing through trigger a brief slow effect and visual distortion.
Spycam (E): Places a remote camera. After deployment, Cypher can take control of its view and fire a tracking dart that reveals the location of any enemy hit.
Trapwire (C): Deploys a tripwire between two walls. Enemies who trigger the wire are tethered, revealed, and briefly dazed.
Neural Theft (X) - Ultimate: Instantly reveals the location of all living enemy players after extracting information from a fresh enemy corpse.
Reyna Abilities

Devour (Q): Consumes a nearby Soul Orb, rapidly healing Reyna for a short duration. Overheal temporarily grants additional health.
Dismiss (E): Consumes a nearby Soul Orb, becoming intangible for a short duration. If cast while Empress is active, also becomes invisible.
Leer (C): Casts an ethereal, destructible eye a short distance forward. The eye nearsights all enemies who look at it.
Empress (X) - Ultimate: Enters a frenzy, dramatically increasing firing, equip, and reload speed. Scoring a kill during Empress refreshes its duration and creates Soul Orbs for nearby enemies.
Killjoy Abilities

Alarmbot (Q): Deploys a bot that hunts down enemies in range. The bot explodes, applying vulnerable to enemies in its radius.
Turret (E): Deploys a turret that fires at enemies within its 180-degree cone of vision. Can be recalled and redeployed.
Nanoswarm (C): Throws a grenade that deploys a swarm of damaging nanobots when activated.
Lockdown (X) - Ultimate: Deploys a device that, after a long windup, detains all enemies caught in its large radius for several seconds.
Breach Abilities

Flashpoint (Q): Fires a blinding charge through walls, detonating and blinding all players in its cone.
Fault Line (E): Equips a seismic blast. Hold Fire to increase its range, release to trigger a quake that dazes all players in its zone.
Aftershock (C): Fires a fusion charge that detonates after a set time, dealing heavy damage to anyone caught in its area.
Rolling Thunder (X) - Ultimate: Unleashes a seismic cascade, dazing and knocking up anyone caught in its large cone.
Omen Abilities

Paranoia (Q): Fires a shadow projectile, briefly reducing the vision range of all players hit.
Dark Cover (E): Equips a shadow orb, to be placed at the targeted location, creating a long-lasting smoke sphere that blocks vision.
Shrouded Step (C): After a delay, teleports a short distance.
From the Shadows (X) - Ultimate: Allows teleporting to any point on the map. Appears as a Shade that can be destroyed by enemies to cancel the teleport.
Jett Abilities

Updraft (Q): Propels Jett high into the air.
Tailwind (E): Immediately dashes a short distance in the direction she is moving.
Cloudburst (C): Throws a projectile that expands into a brief vision-blocking cloud on impact with a surface.
Blade Storm (X) - Ultimate: Equips Jett with several throwing knives that deal moderate damage and kill on headshots. A kill restores all daggers.
Raze Abilities

Blast Pack (Q): Throws a satchel that sticks to surfaces. Re-use to detonate, damage, and moving anything hit.
Paint Shells (E): Throws a grenade that damages and creates sub-munitions, each doing damage to anyone in their range.
Boom Bot (C): Deploys a bot that travels in a straight line, bouncing off walls. The bot locks on to enemies in its frontal cone and chases them, exploding for heavy damage.
Showstopper (X) - Ultimate: Equips a rocket launcher. Fire shoots a rocket that does massive area damage in contact with anything.
Skye Abilities

Trailblazer (Q): Deploys a Tasmanian tiger that can be controlled. Fire to leap forward, exploding in a concussive blast and damaging enemies.
Guiding Light (E): Deploys a hawk that can be controlled. Fire to send forward, activating a flash that affects any enemy who sees it.
Regrowth (C): Equips a healing trinket. Hold Fire to channel, healing allies in range and line of sight. Can be reused until her healing pool is depleted.
Seekers (X) - Ultimate: Equips a Seeker trinket. Fire to send out three Seekers to track down the three closest enemies. If a Seeker reaches its target, it nearsights them.
Yoru Abilities

Blindside (Q): Rips an unstable dimensional fragment from reality. Fire to throw the fragment, activating a flash that winds up once it collides with a hard surface.
Gatecrash (E): Equips a rift tether. Fire to send the tether forward. Alt-fire to place a stationary tether. Activate to teleport to the tether's location.
Fakeout (C): Equips an echo that mimics footsteps when activated. Fire to activate and send forward. Alt-fire to place an inactive echo. Reactivate to turn the echo into a copy of Yoru that explodes and blinds enemies.
Dimensional Drift (X) - Ultimate: Equips a mask that can see between dimensions. Fire to enter Yoru's dimension, unable to be affected or seen by enemies outside.
Astra Abilities

Nova Pulse (Q): Places a Star and activates it, detonating a concussive blast after a delay.
Nebula (E): Places a Star and activates it, transforming it into a smoke.
Gravity Well (C): Places a Star and activates it, creating a field that pulls players in and explodes.
Cosmic Divide (X) - Ultimate: Activate to enter Astral Form and place Stars. Ultimate Fire to begin shaping a Cosmic Divide, a massive wall that blocks bullets and sound.
KAY/O Abilities

FLASH/drive (Q): Equips a flash grenade. Fire to throw. The flash grenade explodes after a short fuse, blinding anyone in line of sight.
ZERO/point (E): Equips a suppression blade. Fire to throw. The blade sticks to the first surface it hits, suppressing anyone in the radius of the explosion.
FRAG/ment (C): Equips an explosive fragment. Fire to throw. The fragment sticks to the floor and explodes multiple times, dealing near lethal damage at the center with each explosion.
NULL/cmd (X) - Ultimate: Instantly overload with polarized radianite energy that empowers KAY/O and causes large energy pulses to emit from his location. Enemies hit with these pulses are suppressed for a short duration.
Chamber Abilities

Headhunter (Q): Equips a heavy sniper. Alt-fire to aim down sights.
Rendezvous (E): Places two teleport anchors. While on the ground and in range of an anchor, reactivate to quickly teleport to the other anchor.
Trademark (C): Places a trap that scans for enemies. When a visible enemy comes in range, the trap counts down and then destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.
Tour De Force (X) - Ultimate: Equips a powerful custom sniper rifle that kills on any direct hit. Killing an enemy creates a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.
Neon Abilities

Relay Bolt (Q): Instantly throws an energy bolt that bounces once. Upon hitting each surface, the bolt electrifies the ground below with a concussive blast.
High Gear (E): Instantly channel Neon's power for increased speed. When charged, Alt-fire to trigger an electric slide.
Fast Lane (C): Fire two energy lines forward on the ground that extend a short distance or until they hit a surface. The lines rise into walls of static electricity that block vision and damage enemies passing through them.
Overdrive (X) - Ultimate: Unleashes Neon's full power and speed for a short duration. Fire to channel the power into a deadly lightning beam with high movement accuracy.
Fade Abilities

Seize (Q): Equips an orb of nightmare ink. Fire to throw the orb which will plummet to the ground after a set time. Upon hitting the ground, the ink will explode and create a zone that slows and decays enemies caught in it.
Haunt (E): Equips a nightmarish entity. Fire to throw the orb which will plummet to the ground after a set time. Upon hitting the ground, the orb will turn into a nightmarish entity that will reveal enemies in its line of sight.
Prowler (C): Equips a Prowler. Fire will send the Prowler out, causing it to travel in a straight line. The Prowler will lock onto any enemies or trails in their frontal vision cone and chase them, nearsighting them if it reaches them.
Nightfall (X) - Ultimate: Equips the power of Fear. Fire to send out a wave of nightmare energy that can traverse through walls. The energy creates a trail to the opponent as well as deafens and decays them.
Harbor Abilities

Cove (Q): Equip a sphere of shielding water. Fire to throw. Alt-fire to underhand throw. Upon impacting the ground, spawn a destructible water shield that blocks bullets.
High Tide (E): Equip a wall of water. Fire sends the water forward along the ground. Hold Fire to guide the water in the direction of your crosshair, passing through the world, and spawning a wall along the water's path.
Cascade (C): Equip a wave of water. Fire sends the wave rolling forward and through walls. Re-use to stop the wave. Players hit by the wave are slowed.
Reckoning (X) - Ultimate: Equip the full power of your Artifact. Fire to summon a geyser pool on the ground. Enemy players in the area are targeted by successive geyser strikes. Players caught within a strike are concussed.
Gekko Abilities

Wingman (Q): Equip Wingman. Fire to send Wingman forward seeking enemies. Wingman unleashes a concussive blast toward the first enemy he sees. Alt-fire when targeting a spike site or planted spike to have Wingman defuse or plant the spike.
Dizzy (E): Equip Dizzy. Fire to send Dizzy soaring forward through the air. Dizzy charges then unleashes plasma blasts at enemies in line of sight. Enemies hit by her plasma are blinded.
Mosh Pit (C): Equip Mosh. Fire to throw Mosh like a grenade. Upon landing, Mosh duplicates across a large area then after a short delay explodes.
Thrash (X) - Ultimate: Equip Thrash. Fire to link with Thrash's mind and steer her through enemy territory. Activate to lunge forward and explode, detaining any enemies in a small radius.
Deadlock Abilities

Sonic Sensor (Q): Equip a Sonic Sensor. Fire to deploy. The sensor monitors an area for enemies making sound. It concusses that area if it detects disruptive noise.
GravNet (C): Equip a GravNet grenade. Fire to throw. The GravNet detonates upon landing, forcing any enemies caught within to crouch and move slowly.
Barrier Mesh (E): Equip a Barrier Mesh disc. Fire to throw forward. Upon landing, the disc generates barriers from the origin point that block character movement.
Annihilation (X) - Ultimate: Equip a Nanowire Accelerator. Fire to unleash a pulse of nanowires that captures the first enemy contacted. The cocooned enemy is pulled along a nanowire path and will die if they reach the end, unless they are freed.
Iso Abilities

Undercut (Q): Equip an energy wave. Fire to release the wave. Enemies hit by the wave take damage and are weakened, making them more vulnerable to future attacks.
Contingency (C): Equip a Foresight orb and fire it to launch an indestructible wall of prismatic energy. This wall moves forward, blocking bullets and providing cover for teammates.
Double Tap (E): Initiate a focus timer. Once it finishes, you enter a flow state where downed enemies that you damage or eliminate will create energy orbs. Shooting these orbs grants you a shield that can absorb one instance of damage from any source.
Kill Contract (X) - Ultimate: Equip a duel challenge. Fire to isolate the nearest enemy in a 1v1 duel. During this time, both players are transported to a separate dimension to fight, with no interference from others.
Clove Abilities

Meddle (Q): A throwable orb that inflicts decay damage on enemies within its area of effect, making them much more vulnerable to elimination.
Ruse (E): Deploys smoke similar to Omen’s Dark Cover, with a fast recharge rate. Unique in that it can be used even after Clove has been eliminated, allowing for continued tactical advantage.
Pick Me Up (C): Grants an overheal after securing a kill, promoting aggressive playstyles for controller players.
Not Dead Yet (X) - Ultimate: Allows Clove to self-resurrect after death, with a brief activation window that requires careful timing to avoid being easily targeted.
Vyse Abilities

Shear (Q): Deploys filaments of liquid metal forming an invisible wall trap. When an enemy crosses, a solid, indestructible wall emerges behind them, cutting off escape and leaving them vulnerable. The wall remains briefly, forcing players to engage with Vyse or regroup.
Arc Rose (E): Equips an Arc Rose, placeable on any surface. It remains hidden until triggered, blinding all enemies looking at it. Vyse can pick it up and redeploy as needed, and place it through walls for strategic setups.
Razorvine (C): Throws a hidden nest of liquid metal that becomes invisible upon landing. When triggered, it expands into a large, thorny area that slows and damages anyone moving through it. Ideal for controlling choke points and slowing enemy advances.
Steel Garden (X) - Ultimate: Unleashes a torrent of metal thorns from her location. After a brief wind-up, it jams the primary weapons of enemies in its area of effect, forcing them to use secondary weapons. Can disrupt enemy teams and allow Vyse's team to capitalize.
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