
What is Bot(lane) in League of Legends?

BOT Definition
BOT Definition

Bot in League of Legends stands for the bottom lane. The bottom lane is one of the three main lanes in Summoner's Rift. It is located at the bottom side of the map.

The bottom lane is usually occupied by the AD carry and support champions. The AD carry is a ranged physical damage dealer that relies on auto attacks to deal damage. The support champions help and protect the AD carry in the early game.

What does “Go Bot” mean?

"Go bot" is quick chat terminology that just means "go to the bottom lane" or "assist the bottom side of the map". It's used to coordinate players to cover or focus on that important lane and objective area.

For example, if the AD carry needs to recall to base, they might say "go bot" to their mid laner to let them know to temporarily defend the bottom tower.

Or the jungler might be planning to gank the enemy bottom lane, so they will tell their support "go bot" to signal that they should get in position to set up the gank.

Why does Bot Lane always feed?

There are a few reasons why the bottom lane seems to frequently "feed" or give up a lot of deaths compared to other lanes:

  • It's a long lane so easier to gank - The bottom lane is the longest lane in Summoner's Rift, making it more susceptible to enemy ganks and dives. This can lead to more deaths.
  • Higher skill matchups - AD carry/support matchups rely heavily on mechanical skill and precise play. Small mistakes are heavily punished.
  • Focus by junglers - Bottom lane is valuable real estate. Junglers frequently camp bottom to get their AD carries fed. More jungler attention leads to more deaths.
  • Lower mobility - Many bottom lane champs are immobile AD carries. Once caught out, they lack escapes and are easily focused down.
  • Support reliance - The support has to diligently ward, peel, and protect the AD carry. If the support plays poorly, the carry is vulnerable.
  • Scaling role - AD carries scale heavily into the late game. Early deaths, while painful, are not as detrimental as deaths to snowballing solo laners.

So in summary, it's a combination of being a prime ganking location, mechanical skill matchups, and the innate vulnerability of many popular bottom lane champions that leads to frequent feeding down there compared to other roles. But this feeding can often be overcome by playing safe, farming well, and scaling into the late game.

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