The Spike is the central objective in Valorant, serving as both a win condition and a strategic focal point. At the start of each round, the Spike spawns in front of the attacking team's base. Any attacker can pick it up by simply running over it.
If all attackers leave spawn without the Spike, a voice line will remind them to retrieve it. The Spike's carrier is indicated by an icon below their portrait for their teammates.
Who Should Carry a Spike?
Choosing the right Spike carrier is crucial in Valorant. Generally, support characters like these are preferred:
- Controllers (Brimstone, Viper, Omen): Their smoke abilities help cover team entry onto a site, allowing them to play from safer positions and reduce the risk of losing the Spike if eliminated.
- Sentinels (Killjoy, Cypher, Sage): Their defensive abilities are valuable in post-plant situations, as they can set up traps or walls to protect the Spike.
Avoid Spike carriers like Duelists (Jett, Raze, Phoenix): These agents typically engage first and are at greater risk of being eliminated, which can leave the Spike in a vulnerable position.
Ultimately, the best Spike carrier may vary by team strategy, map, and player strengths. Communication is key to determining who should carry the Spike each round.
Carrying and Dropping the Spike

The Spike is carried like a weapon in the player's inventory. To drop it intentionally, players must select it (usually with the '4' key) and then press the drop button (typically 'G'). If aimed at a teammate, the Spike will transfer directly to their inventory.
When a Spike carrier is eliminated, the Spike drops to the ground. Its location is announced and visible on the minimap to attackers, and to defenders when in their line of sight.
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How to Plant the Spike?
To plant the Spike, the carrier must be within a designated site area, typically marked by a raised outline on the ground. Planting takes 4 seconds and roots the planter in place, though they can rotate to adjust their view. An audio cue alerts all nearby players when planting begins.
Planting locations play a significant role in strategy. "Default plant" spots are commonly used areas that balance safety, defensibility, and sightlines for post-plant ability usage. Knowledge of these spots can greatly influence round outcomes.
Successfully planting the Spike, even if the round is already won through eliminations, provides additional benefits. The planter receives an ultimate point, and their team earns 300 extra credits for the next round. This economic boost can be crucial for maintaining momentum or staging comebacks.
How to Defuse a Spike?

Once the Spike is planted, defenders can attempt to defuse it using a Defuser. The defusal process takes 7 seconds to complete. A halfway checkpoint is reached at 3.5 seconds, allowing for strategic partial defuses. During defusal attempts, the Spike's lights turn red, and its outer casing rises, providing visual feedback to all players. Defenders can rotate while defusing to watch for incoming attackers.
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Spike Detonation in Valorant

If not defused, the planted Spike initiates a 45-second countdown till detonation. As time progresses, the beeping frequency increases, and visual cues like surrounding translucent spheres and ground fractures appear.
If the Spike successfully detonates, it produces a destructive black sphere that rapidly expands from its location, instantly eliminating any players it touches. The explosion radius is approximately equal to the player's audio range, also visualized on the minimap.
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