
What does Burst mean in LoL?

Burst Definition
Burst Definition

In League of Legends, Burst damage refers to a champion's ability to deal a large amount of damage to a target in a very short time frame. This burst of damage comes from combining multiple abilities together for high upfront damage.

Executing effective burst combos requires understanding your champion's skills and timing them properly against opponents. Burst is different from sustained damage and is dealt steadily over a longer period.

Top 5 Champions with Best Bursts

We have collected for you the top 5 champions with the best bursts that you could try! Keep in mind that you still need to learn each champion properly to be able to master their bursts.

  • Elise
  • Syndra
  • Talon
  • Fizz
  • Lux

Burst potential is also gated by levels and items, so farm efficiently to hit your power spikes. With practice, you'll erase squishy champions instantly using these top-tier bursters.

How to Use Burst Properly?

Executing burst damage effectively requires understanding your champion's damage combos and power spikes. The key is to coordinate your abilities in the right order to maximize damage, often by leading with crowd control effects to restrict the enemy's ability to dodge. Ideal burst combo execution focuses on fragile high-priority targets like AD carries and mages, saving important cooldowns until the target is vulnerable and unable to escape.

It's important to track your burst potential at different points in the game, playing aggressive when your champion hits an item or level power spike. Burst champions must also manage their downtime wisely when their abilities are on cooldown, positioning safely and avoiding all-ins until their burst is back up. 

Proper burst usage means looking for flanks and surprises against unsuspecting enemies, chaining your abilities together quickly to demolish targets before they can react. With practice, you'll be able to seamlessly eliminate threats with massive burst damage before they realize what happened. Mastering the burst playstyle leads to dominating wins when piloting high-damage mages and assassins.

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