
What is EZ in League Of Legends?

EZ definition
EZ definition

Typing "EZ" after a win is a quick way to say that you're better. It's basically saying that the game was a piece of cake, and suggesting that you're on another level compared to your opponents. It can be fun among friends, and it can be frustrating when you see "EZ" in a match with strangers because it can come off as pretty arrogant, especially in tight matches.

How is "EZ" used in LoL?

D'Pingu Emote
D'Pingu Emote

It's important to note that using "EZ" in this manner is considered disrespectful to the opponent's skills or efforts, and is often punished in public tournaments like any other derogatory and offensive language, as it goes against gaming and sports etiquette.

Like for example player EMENES who because of his behavior was forced to pay a $15,000 USD Fee and complete an educational training course on professionalism.

EZ as shorthand for Ezreal

Ezreal Emote
Ezreal Emote

In a completely different context, "EZ" can be used in in-game chat as slang for Ezreal, a champion often played as ADC. This option is more common when this champion is in your game.

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