
What is Fog of War in League of Legends?

Fog of War Definition
Fog of War Definition

Fog of War in "League of Legends" is the shadow on the map that disables players' visibility. It covers areas of the map that do not have the vision of the player's team ( so areas without your teammates, minions, wards, etc).

Fog of War allows your enemy to surprise you by getting objectives like Dragon or Baron Nashor or jumping on you from the bush. That's why players have to provide the vision for their team and buy control wards to counter the enemy.

Vision is particularly important in the early stages of the game, as early invades aren't that uncommon, and when the game timer shows 3:15-3:50, the junglers are finishing their full clear, and are ready to gank, so better be ready.

Map Awareness

Is vision important? Yes. But it can be even better if you would start to predict and think from an enemy perspective. For example, you know that Kayn player will probably start with the raptors, so you can put early ward there and you will know if he will be top or bot side at 3:20 so you can prevent your teammates from early death. Try predicting enemy movements in the Fog of War and you will have much more knowledge about their positions.

Vision Limiting Champions

Some of the Champions apply the Nearsight debuff effect, it's basically the fog of war effect on your entire map. It's very useful as it applies a lot of pressure on the target because he can see only his champion's limited vision over the effect duration.







  • Graves' Smoke Screen reduces sight radius of enemies inside the bubble to 250 units oriented to the center, but grants them vision of the entire smoke bubble.

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