
What is Full AP/AD in League of Legends?

Full AP/AD Definition
Full AP/AD Definition

The terms "Full AP" (Ability Power) and "Full AD" (Attack Damage) refer to a champion build that focuses exclusively on maximizing ability power or attack damage. These builds prioritize items that significantly enhance a champion's damage output, often at the cost of defensive stats.

Understanding Full AP/AD Builds:

  • High Damage Output: Full AP or AD builds are designed to maximize a champion's damage potential, allowing them to deal significant damage in a short amount of time.
  • Champion Suitability: Certain champions benefit more from Full AP or AD builds, typically ADC, Assassin Champions or those with abilities that have high scaling with either AP or AD.
  • Risks and Trade-offs: While these builds can increase damage, they often leave champions more vulnerable due to a lack of defensive items. This makes positioning and timing crucial in engagements.
  • Game Phase Impact: Full AP/AD builds tend to be more effective in the early to mid-game when defensive items are less prevalent. In the late game, the lack of defensive stats can be more easily punished.
  • Strategic Considerations: Choosing a Full AP/AD build requires considering the team composition and the game's state. It's often a high-risk, high-reward strategy.

In League of Legends, going Full AP or AD is a strategic decision that can significantly impact a champion's playstyle and role in team fights. While it increases offensive capabilities, players must carefully weigh this against the potential risks and ensure it aligns with the team's overall strategy.

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