
What is Ignite in League of Legends?

Ignite Definition
Ignite Definition

Ignite in League of Legends is a summoner spell that deals damage over time to a single enemy champion and reduces the healing and regeneration effects on them. Ignite is often chosen for its ability to secure kills by dealing true damage that cannot be mitigated by armor or magic resistance.

Uses and Strategy of Ignite

Ignite is typically used in aggressive playstyles, particularly in the early game to secure kills or to counter high-healing champions.

  • Securing Kills: Ensures that low-health enemies cannot escape or heal enough to survive.
  • Countering Healing: Effective against champions with high sustain or healing abilities such as Warwick or Sylas.

Choosing Ignite as a Summoner Spell

Deciding when to take Ignite over other summoner spells involves assessing the match-up, the champion's playstyle, and the overall game strategy.

  • Lane Dominance: Often chosen by aggressive laners to increase kill pressure.
  • Team Compositions: Useful in team compositions lacking sufficient anti heal.

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