
What does Commit mean in LoL?

Commit Definition
Commit Definition

In League of Legends, "commit" refers to fully engaging in a play or course of action, usually during a team fight or objective take. Some examples of committing would be:

  • Using major offensive or defensive cooldown abilities: As a teamfight breaks out, champions will often have to commit their ultimate abilities and summoner spells early on to gain an advantage. 
  • Continuing an attack rather than disengaging/retreating: If an assassin like Zed jumps on a squishy target, he has committed to trying to get the kill rather than backing off. This is opposed to poking at range and leaving when major abilities are blown.
  • Going "all in" on an objective: When attempting to secure major objectives like Baron Nashor or an Elder Dragon, teams will often commit every member to the pit to ensure they secure it, even if it means potential deaths.
  • Tower diving: Committing to tower dive an enemy under their turret to attempt a kill at the risk of taking tower shots and dying. This is extremely committed aggression that is hard to disengage from.

Is Committing rewarding in League

Committing can be highly rewarding in League of Legends, but also risky if done incorrectly or overaggressively. Here are some potential rewards and values of committing:

  • Scoring kills and objectives: Committing usually provides more damage and crowd control to quickly burst down champions or major objectives like Baron/Dragon before the enemy can react. This can allow a team to decisively win a fight or capture a major objective.
  • Momentum: Successfully committing to fights or towers and winning convincingly shifts momentum to your team by demoralizing opponents and giving global gold to extend leads. This momentum allows your team to more safely take future objectives.
  • Mind games: Committing to seemingly unreasonable fights can catch opponents off guard and make them hesitate to commit themselves. Well-executed tower dives in particular can devastate morale.

However, if done recklessly, failed commits can lose objectives, provide shutdown gold from deaths, and allow the enemy team to push major advantages.

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