
What is Flex Queue in League of Legends?

Flex Queue Definition
Flex Queue Definition

Flex Queue in "League of Legends" is a ranked game mode that allows players to play solo or with a group of up to five players (except for teams of 4). This mode offers a more cooperative approach to ranked play than Solo/Duo Queue, where you can only queue alone or with one player. Flex Queue is designed for full teams, smaller groups, or individual players.

Solo/Duo VS Flex Queue

Queue Type Solo/Duo Flex
Playstyle Individual Team-Oriented 
Environment Competitive  Relaxed Environment
The number of players 1 or 2 players 1,2,3 or 5 players.
Mood Stressful and often Toxic Cooperative
Champion Select Draft Pick Draft Pick
  • Team Size Variety: Players have the option to play solo, as a duo, trio, or even as a full five-member team in Flex Queue.
  • Separate Ranking: Flex Queue has its ranking system, separate from Solo/Duo Queue, meaning players will have different ranks in each queue.
  • Competitive but Social: Flex Queue is seen as a more social and team-oriented environment compared to Solo/Duo Queue. It's often used by players who want to play ranked games with friends.
  • Strategy and Coordination: Playing with a pre-made team in Flex Queue can boost team coordination in teamfights, engages, and when taking the objectives like Dragon or Baron, that is why it offers a  very different experience compared to playing with random teammates.
  • Learning and Experimentation: The mode is also used by players to practice new champions or strategies (like Early Invade) in a competitive setting without affecting their Solo/Duo rank.

What is the rank distribution difference?

Flex Queue - Rank Distribution Solo/Duo - Rank Distribution
Iron: 9.5%. Iron: 7.5%.
Bronze: 25%. Bronze: 20%.
Silver: 19%. Silver: 18%.
Gold: 19%. Gold: 19%.
Platinum: 14%. Platinum: 16%.
Emerald: 9.8% Emerald: 13%
Diamond: 2.6%. Diamond: 3.1%.
Master: 0.28%. Master: 0.65%.
Grandmaster: 0.021%. Grandmaster: 0.040%.
Challenger: 0.010%. Challenger: 0.017%.

In summary, Flex Queue is tailored for a more team-oriented and potentially more relaxed ranked experience, whereas Solo/Duo Queue is designed for individual players or pairs focusing on personal skill development in a more intensely competitive environment.

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