
What is Farming in League of Legends?

Farming Definition
Farming Definition

Farming in the context of League means killing the minions or monsters to gain gold and experience (CS’ing). It is a basic aspect of the game, as without gold you can't buy the items, and without items, you cannot win. In the same way with exp, it's needed for upgrading your abilities, because without them you can't win.

How to be better at Farming?

  • Learn Last-Hitting: The key to efficient farming is last-hitting minions, which means dealing the final blow to kill them. We strongly recommend using Practice tool to improve your farming, it makes you familiar with your champion's attack animation cancelling and damage so it becomes a habit and you don't have to constantly focus on that.
  • Wave Management (Freezing): Understanding how minion waves work is crucial. This includes knowing when to push the wave, when to freeze it, or when to let it push towards you. If you don't know how wave's operate, you will simply lose gold from the minions.
  • Know your champion: Some champions have abilities designed to farm, like Annie with her Q, these abilities often give you mana back. Other examples are: Malzahar's E, Kassadins W, and Cassiopeia's E. They are especially useful in the laning phase as you do not need to focus that much on auto attacking and don't need to constantly think about mana.
  • Positioning: Position yourself safely while farming, especially if you're ADC, or at risk of being ganked. Stay in the fog of war, or near your tower if you're unsure about the enemy jungler's location.
  • Tower Shots: Learn how to farm under your tower. Generally, melee minions can take two tower shots and one player attack, while caster minions can take one player attack, one tower shot, and then another player attack.
  • Itemization: Some items can help with farming, like for example Tiamat. Consider your champion's typical build paths and how they affect farming.

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