
What is HoB (Hail of Blades) in League of Legends?

HOB definition
HOB definition

HoB, or Hail of Blades, in League of Legends, is a Keystone Rune that significantly increases a champion's attack speed for their first three basic attacks against an enemy champion. This rune is particularly beneficial for champions that rely on quick, powerful strikes to maximize their damage output in short teamfights.

Champions that Benefit from Hail of Blades

Certain champions in League of Legends can greatly capitalize on the burst of attack speed provided by Hail of Blades, especially those who rely on quick auto-attack combos or need to apply on-hit effects rapidly.

  • Xin Zhao: His early game dueling power is enhanced, allowing for faster application of his knock-up.
Xin Zhao
Xin Zhao
  • Kalista: Benefits from the quick rend stacks she can accumulate.
  • Kai'Sa: Uses the rune to quickly stack her passive for burst damage.

Strategy and Use Cases for Hail of Blades

Hail of Blades is strategically used to gain an upper hand in short trades and early game teamfights. The rune offers a significant boost in a champion's attack speed in a brief period.

  • Early Game Aggression: Ideal for champions looking to establish early lane dominance.
  • Combining with Abilities: Some champions can synchronize their abilities with HoB for maximum impact.

Understanding which champions synergize well with Hail of Blades and how to leverage its attack speed boost can be crucial in gaining an advantage in lane and during dragon or baron fights.

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