
What is an Insec in League of Legends?

Insec Definition
Insec Definition

It means using Lee Sin's abilities, combined with the Flash summoner spell or a ward dash, to get behind an enemy champion and then use Lee Sin's ultimate ability - "Dragon's Rage" to kick the enemy into Lee Sin's team. It is a mechanical play named after a professional player, Insec, and it is specifically tied to Lee Sin. This maneuver is often used to target and eliminate key enemy champions like ADCs during teamfights, and dragon or baron fights.

Execution and Purpose of the Insec Technique

Successfully performing an Insec requires precision, timing, and quick decision-making, making it a hallmark of skilled Lee Sin play.

  • Combination of Abilities: The play typically involves using "Safeguard" to an ally, ward (ward hopping) or Flash to get behind the enemy, followed by "Dragon's Rage" to kick them towards Lee Sin's team.
  • Strategic Elimination: The primary goal is to reposition a high-value enemy target, such as a carry or assassin champion, into a vulnerable position where they can be quickly eliminated by Lee Sin's teammates.

Below you can see a video explaining how to insec in less than 1 minute!

Impact of the Insec Play in Games

The Insec move, when executed correctly, can have a significant impact on the outcome of engagements, often turning the odds of the battles.

  • Game-Changing Potential: A well-timed Insec can disrupt the enemy's formation and focus, leading to successful team fights.
  • Skill Indicator: Due to its complexity and impact, successfully performing an Insec is often seen as a mark of a good Lee Sin player.

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