
What does Gap Closer mean in League of Legends?

Gap Closer
Gap Closer

A gap closer is any kind of ability that can shorten the distance between you and the enemy. This term typically refers to dash, blink, or hook abilities that enable champions to move rapidly towards or away from enemies, obstacles, or objectives like Dragon or Baron.

Examples of Gap Closing Abilities

They are several types of Gap Closing abilities:


Abilities that enables you to instantly move a distance like Flash.

  • Kassadin's R (Riftwalk)
Kassadin's R (Riftwalk)
Kassadin's R (Riftwalk)
  • Shaco's Q (Deceive)
Shaco's Q (Deceive)
Shaco's Q (Deceive)
  • Ezreal's E (Arcane Shift)
Ezreal's E (Arcane Shift)
Ezreal's E (Arcane Shift)


Abilities that enable you to move a distance in a short amount of time but not instantly.

  • Tryndamere's E (Spinning Slash)
Tryndamere's E (Spinning Slash)
Tryndamere's E (Spinning Slash)
  • Vayne's Q (Tumble)
Vayne's Q (Tumble)
Vayne's Q (Tumble)
  • Pyke's E (Phantom Undertow)
Pyke's E (Phantom Undertow)
Pyke's E (Phantom Undertow)


Abilities that enable you to pull the enemy closer to you.

Darius' E (Apprehend)
Darius' E (Apprehend)
  • Darius' E (Apprehend)
Pyke's Q (Bone Skewer)
Pyke's Q (Bone Skewer)
  • Pyke's Q (Bone Skewer)
Blitzcrank's Q (Rocket Grab)
Blitzcrank's Q (Rocket Grab)
  • Blitzcrank's Q (Rocket Grab)

Move Speed Boosts

Abilities that give you bonus movement speed over time.

Draven's E (Blood Rush)
Draven's E (Blood Rush)
  • Draven's E (Blood Rush)
Garen's Q (Decisive Strike)
Garen's Q (Decisive Strike)
  • Garen's Q (Decisive Strike)
Teemo's W (Move Quick)
Teemo's W (Move Quick)
  • Teemo's W (Move Quick)

Use of Gap Closers

Gap Closers help champions get close to their enemies or escape from them more effectively. They serve several purposes:

  • Engaging: Gap closers help champions start fights by quickly reaching their opponents. This is useful for initiating battles and catching enemies off guard.
  • Chasing: They help in chasing down and finishing off low-health enemies who are trying to escape.
  • Disengaging: Gap closers are also used defensively to get away from dangerous situations. If you're in trouble, they can help you get away from your enemies.
  • Positioning: Gap closers allow champions to reposition during teamfights, they help you to insure that you are in the right place to use your abilities effectively or protect their teammates.
  • Versatility: Champions with gap closers are more adaptable. They can choose when and how to engage or disengage, making them valuable in different scenarios.
  • CC: Some gap closers come with crowd control effects like stuns or slows, which are helpful for setting up kills or controlling fights.

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